Friday, October 29, 2021

Contribution of a Scientist, unit 1, Linus Pauling


Name of Scientist: Linus Pauling (1901-1994)

Area(s) of Specialty: He began his career in the fields of chemistry and physics.

Examples of research s/he has done and the contribution to the field of study

  1. Pauling established the scale of electronegativity, he noted that when atoms have an equal electronegativity value, they share the electrons equally, creating a true covalent bond. This helps the field of study because charge distribution can be determined or predicted without complex calculations nor spectroscopic studies. Which is helpful for understanding and designing new materials.

  1. In 1948, Pauling and others found evidence about the bonding angles and distances between the atoms in amino acids as well as insight in the structure of proteins. Thus led Pauling to describe two structures of proteins, a-helix, and the B-pleated sheet. X-ray diffraction studies have proven his claims are correct and that the a-helix and b-pleated sheet are both major components of protein structure.

  1. Pauling formulated generalizations about atomic arrangements in crystals that are held together by ionic bonds. This is now known as “Pauling’s Rules” which is still a used guide for understanding crystal structures. 

Other information of note

  • In his lifetime, Pauling published over 1000 articles and books.

  • He promoted megadoses of vitamins such as vitamin c as an alternative to chemotherapy for cancer patients.

  • He stood against the government for wanting to use nuclear weapons and had his passport revoked because of it. Which stalled his research on the understanding of DNA as he wasn't able to travel.

What does this make you wonder further about?

What I'm most confused about is his refusal to believe he was wrong with the statements about vitamin c being an alternative to chemotherapy because he had no concrete evidence or experimental information to back up his points while there was research proving him wrong.

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