Monday, October 19, 2020

Shore Erosion Prevention
Erosion of our rivers over time change the landscape of our lands. Steps can be taken to slow down the process. This slideshow shows some of the ways we can work to prevent shore erosion.

Preventing Shore Erosion


Thursday, October 15, 2020

Contribution of a Scientist: August Kukulé

Erin Fletcher 

Area(s) of Specialty: Chemical structure of organic chemistry

Examples of research he has done:

The first discovery made by Kukulé was in 1857 where he published a paper on the tetravalence theory of carbon atoms. This theory states that carbon atoms have four valence electrons and will share electrons with other atoms as well as with other carbon atoms. This carbon to carbon atom bonding will form carbon chains or carbon skeletons which can then bond to other atoms like oxygen or hydrogen atoms and create organic molecules.

Kukulé’s second discovery in 1865 was largely built off the first, where he discovered the shape and bond types in benzene. Scientists already knew that the chemical formula of benzene was C₆H₆ however they were unsure of its shape.  Due to his previous conclusion, the tetravalence theory of carbon atoms, Kukulé knew that it was impossible for benzene to have a straight carbon chain structure. It was for this reason that Kukulé concluded that benzene had a ring like structure with alternating double and single bonds. This discovery opened up a new field of chemistry called aromatic chemistry. 

Other information to note:

August Kukulé was a German chemist (born September 7th, 1829 and died July 13, 1896) who studied the chemical structure of molecules, particularly organic ones. Kukulé started out studying architecture as he enjoyed drawing at school, and later switched to chemistry in university. For most of his career he worked in universities in Europe teaching and studying chemistry. He was a professor at Ghent University in Belgium and later became a chairman at the University of Bonn for nine years.

What does this make you wonder further about?

This makes me wonder how we would classify compounds if organic molecules and inorganic molecules were discovered at the same time. Would we still classify them into organic and inorganic groups? Furthermore if the structure of benzene rings had been delayed what sorts of materials and goods might not have been developed, for example would nylon fibers exist?


Sources used: “Home”. Famous Scientist.  

          Rocke, Alan J. “August Kekule Von Stradonitz.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 3 Sept. 2020,

         “August Kekulé.” August Kekulé - New World Encyclopedia,

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

What negative effects do synthetic clothing fibers like nylon and polyester have on the environment? What changes can be made to prevent this from happening?

Erin Fletcher

Synthetic fibers in clothing such as polyester are more widely used in clothing than natural fibers due to the fact that they are inexpensive. Synthetic fibers are made of plastics which are not biodegradable and take hundreds of years to millennia to decompose, and are derived from petro-chemicals.

When clothes items are put into the washing or drying machine microfibers come off them. Microfibers are small fibers, roughly 5 milters in length and micrometers in diameter. It’s said that hundreds of thousands of microfibers come off clothes per load of laundry. Although dryers have a lint trap that catches these fibers, washing machines do not. When these fibers come off clothes in the washing machine, the water goes down the drain and no microfibers are filtered out. When the water gets to the sewage treatment plant to be treated prior to release into waterways, the treatment process is not able to filter out all the fibers and some are released into lakes and rivers and eventually the ocean.

These synthetic fibers contaminate the food chain of aquatic and marine species in the natural environment. For example when the fibers are released into the oceans, small organisms like plankton eat it. Fish will then eat the plankton as well as the plastic microfibers inside it. This bioaccumulates up the food chain where the concentration of plastic pieces increases with the animal higher up the food chain.    

Although scientists are not yet sure of the effects of ingesting plastics they have found plastic in the digestive systems and bloodstreams of aquatic animals and humans. They do know that most plastics in the ocean absorb toxins in the oceans and can release chemicals such as Bisphenol-A (BPA) which are carcinogens and negatively affect hormones in the body when they degrade.  

These microplastics could be seen as worse for the animals and natural environment as it is easier for them to bioaccumulate in animals and cannot be removed from waterways as easily as plastic bottles for example.

People can prevent synthetic fibers from being released into waterways by buying and wearing clothes made from natural materials like hemp or cotton which are biodegradable. Although a more expensive option, people can also attach a filter to their washing machine that filters out the microfibers. If people continue to wear clothing with synthetic fibers they can also choose to wash their garments less frequently.


 Sites used:  

Resnick, Brian. “More than Ever, Our Clothes Are Made of Plastic. Just Washing Them Can Pollute the Oceans.” Vox, Vox, 19 Sept. 2018,

“How Your Clothes Are Poisoning Our Oceans and Food Supply.” The Guardian, Guardian News and Media, 20 June 2016,  

Bird, Sophie. “Synthetic Fibers in Clothing Contribute to Pollution.” Indiana Environmental Reporter, 9 May 2019,  

Thursday, October 8, 2020

Health and Safety in Covid19 Times

Health and Safety in Covid19 Times:

This slidedeck provides many important videos that cover a wide range of topics related to staying safe during the Covid pandemic. If you are having difficulty convincing someone to practice safety or to help inform them, these videos should help you.

Health and Safety in Covid19 Times

Safe Practices At Camp

Safe Practices At Camp

My family has a trailer at a campsite where we spend much of our summer. Throughout the summer, I help to cut wood and deliver it to the campers. There are a lot of safety practices that you must follow when working with machinery. Read to find out what some of them are.

Safe Practices While Cutting Wood at Camp

Annoying Plant Species

 Annoying Plant Species:

You want to stay clear of these bad boys when walking in the long grass, ditches and forests. I have had poison ivy before and it is not fun.

Poison Ivy, Oak and Sumac

Growing Your Own Food

You get a great feeling growing your own food. It tastes better, reduces your carbon footprint and it is a great stress reliever to get your hands working.

Growing Your Own Food

Where Have All The Trout Gone in Wabun Lake

Where Have All The Trout Gone in Wabun Lake

My parents always spoke about fishing Wabun Lake and how you could catch Rainbow Trout and Lake Trout. I really wanted to go, so this summer, we went there and camped on their beautiful crown land (where you just show up and claim a spot by either hiking in or boating in). We fished for days but could not land the elusive trout. Read to find out more.

Missing: Trout from Wabun Lake

Common Fish in The Ottawa and Mississippi Rivers

Common Fish in The Ottawa and Mississippi Rivers

This chart shows some of the fish that are commonly caught in the local rivers. Some are sought out for eating and others are not so good. Now get out there and catch yourself some dinner!

Common Fish Chart Identifier

Foraging For Fungi

Foraging For Fungi

It is really fun to go into the forest in the fall and look for mushrooms. Many of our mushrooms are edible, but you need to really do your research. You must never "munch on a hunch".

Mushroom Hunting