Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Contribution of a scientist unit 3

Name of Scientist: Maud Menten (1879-1960) Area(s) of Specialty: Enzyme kinetics and histochemistry Examples of research she has done and the contribution to the field of study She was one of the first scientists to discover information on the role of enzymes. She developed a mathematical equation to measure the rates of enzyme reactions and explained the basics of enzyme kinetics. She investigated the mobility of proteins in the presence of electric fields. This investigation provided important information on the difference in size and mobility of hemoglobin molecules. She created a technique still used today by scientists to find special proteins by using special dyes. Other information of note She spoke 6 languages She’s apart of the Canadian medicine hall of fame First Canadian woman to earn a medical doctorate What does this make you wonder further about? I wonder about how much resistance she had from other scientists trying to prove her wrong just because she is a woman and back then in this time frame it was very against social standards for a woman to be succeeding so much in the medical field.

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