Friday, May 7, 2021


Hey guys its maranda *walks in, slips and falls then gets up* so lets act like that definitely didn't happen lol OK so i just wanted to post this poem about our environment and how we should be grateful for our trees and plants.

A tree is like a person 

Why i say that is because we are alike 

We have feelings we have names we have thoughts 

We feel pain, we have pain

They feel pain when a part of them breaks or snaps

Just like all of us do

We feel the same emotions as they do

Like when someone says something or even does something

It hurts, it hurts them, it hurts us

Trees do what they have to do to survive

Just like us

We need food, water, sunlight, and air

They need the same things we do

But did you know that trees, plants, and living things

They’re teachers

They’re teachers because they know what needs to be done

When it comes to climate change 

And other problems we have in the world

But did you also know 

Without plants, we would not survive we wouldn't even  get to see another day

Because plants have everything we need to survive

Knowing now that plants and trees are everything 

We need to always give thanks to the living things that provide for us to survive

xoxo - maranda