Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Ethical Debate about Stem Cell Research

The Ethical Debate about Stem Cell Research
This debate is mostly focused around one argument on the subject of
stem cell research. That topic is whether or not the embryo that is
being destroyed has the rights and privileges that a born human has. The stage that the embryo is destroyed is very early when it is considered a blastula which is after an egg is fertilized but before it connects to the uterus wall. Now there is no disputing that a blastula has the potential to become a human life, which is why many consider it to be a human with rights and privileges. Many who believe this are part of the pro-life community. However, some believe that a blastula is not a child yet as if it does not connect to the uterus wall it will never have the chance to become a child. There is a middle ground in which blastula made in surplus by fertility clinics can be used to improve and save peoples lives instead of going to waste. Another issue is informed consent of both the donation of the blastula and the reception of the cell through a transplant. Religious values also play a large part in the decision of supporting or being against stem cell research.

By Bernard Lo and Lindsay Parham

By Nancy MP King and Jacob Perrin

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