Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Plant Propagation Methods by Abbey Leafloor

Here are a few plant propagation methods! Look through and maybe you will decide to do one.

Planting a pineapple from the stock/crown of a Pineapple  Crown using asexual reproduction

How I planted my pineapple (different methods can be used but this is what we did),
  1. Our teacher brought in a pineapple crown from home instead of composting it 
  2. Slice off pineapple “crown” 
  3. Allow to dry the crown to dry for about a day
  4. Pull off the lower leaves  to expose the stock
  5. Have a pot filled with soil 
  6. Insert the stock into the pot of soil mostly covering the stock  in the nutrients (not the crown part)
  7. Place the pot with the pineapple by a window
  8. Water the pineapple
  9. Waited over the summer for the pineapple to finally root (two months)
  10. Take care of your pineapple which includes taking it outside in the summer
  11. It can take up to 1-2 years to form flowers after the flowers have produced it takes about another 6 months for the fruit to mature
Planting potatoes using asexual reproduction from root eyes or buds
How I planted my potatoes:
  1. Potatoes that were starting to go to seed or root can be used for propagation
  2. Every Bud or eye with flesh attached will create a new potato plant
  3. Out of all the “buds” or eyes making sure to keep flesh attached accept left one remaining on the actual potato.
  4. Place a layer of soil  into a pot
  5. Place a few of the potato buds all around with the eye or bud facing up
  6. Add more soil on top of those buds/eyes
  7. Add more buds
  8. Add more soil
  9. Once all your pot is full and buds are in and under soil water the pot
  10. Keep watering the pot 
  11. Keep an “eye” out as it can take just a few days before you see the stem and leaves coming out of the soil 
  12. This method can be used indoors if good light or outdoors in the summer
  13. Wait until all the foliage of the plant has died back before you harvest your potatoes
  14.  It will take about 2-3 weeks until this occurs. When the top of the vines has completely died you should wait about 10-14 days so the potatoes can develop a thick skin.

Planting Romaine Lettuce using asexual reproduction from the stock of a romaine lettuce 
How I planted Romaine Lettuce:
  1. Cut the end piece off your lettuce
  2. Get a pot
  3. Put wet soil in the pot
  4. Place the romaine lettuce in the middle of the pot
  5. Push down on the lettuce so it is surrounded by soil
  6. It will only take a day or two before you see fresh green leaves starting to come out
  7. Take care of the lettuce and harvest as leaves become ready

Planting Celery using asexual reproduction from celery root stock
How I planted my Celery:
Cut  off the root end piece of your celery
  1. Get a pot
  2. Put wet soil in the pot
  3. Place the celery in the middle of the pot
  4. Push down on the celery so it is surrounded by soil
  5. Watch for growth and harvest when ready
Planting Avocado using asexual reproduction from the seed or pit of an Avocado
How I planted my Avocados:
  1. Get a pot
  2. Put wet soil in the pot
  3. Place the avocado in the pot (the bottom of the avocado pit goes downwards, wider side) Making sure there is   soil surrounding it but not fully covering it
  4. We have found this method to be better than the method using tooth pics inserted into the pits and suspending them over water. 

Planting Garlic Chives from seed - may not be asexual if the plant was pollinated by a bee carrying pollen from another plant!
How I planted my Garlic Chives:
  1. Collect your seeds from your garlic chives plants
  2. Get a pot… fill the pot almost to the top with wet soil
  3. Sprinkle some seeds around in the pot
  4. Sprinkle dirt on top of the seeds

Planting these plants really makes a good impact on our environment because we reused soil, and reused pots. As well we collected seeds from plants we had previously grown and replanted these second-generation seeds. We also re-used portions of the plants that would have ended up in the compost such as the tops/crowns of pineapples, avocado pits, and potatoes that had gone to seed. The resulting product is more fruits and vegetables! I will not be here to see the ending results, but hoping they turn out well!*


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