Friday, November 8, 2019

Science Technology and Environment - Solar Panels
Nowadays we have great conventional and alternative energy technologies that affect the environment in different ways. In 1839 Alexandre Becquerel discovered how energy can be generated from sunlight but the first solar panel was made in 1954 in the United States by Daryl Chaplin, Calvin Fuller and Gerald Pearson. Solar energy is cheaper than fossil fuels and is the most abundant energy source on earth. Unfortunately, solar energy has some disadvantages, one being weather dependent so if it’s gloomy 3 days straight you will have less energy to operate with. It also uses a lot of space and energy storage is expensive. Solar energy has to be used right away or it can be stored in large batteries. It can be charged during the day so that the energy can be used during the night. But it can be pretty expensive to get that energy stored in the large batteries so it’s smarter to use up the solar energy during the day and use normal electricity during the night. Solar panels require a lot of space and some roofs aren’t big enough to fit all the panels therefore they would have to be installed in your yard to collect sunlight which takes up space. There is a bright side to using solar energy, you will have a renewable energy source and reduce electricity bills. Solar panels also are a benefit to the environment, it uses pure energy from the sun, helps combat greenhouse gas emissions and reduces the dependence of using fossil fuels. Solar panels are most commonly used on homes but can be used in small buildings. Renewable energy also improves public health. By replacing fossil fuels with renewable energy sources we reduce air and water pollution. Solar power also works during droughts and heat waves so during extreme climate conditions where there’s a power outage in your area you will still have electricity for light, cooking and heating or cooling. There are many companies in our community that install solar panels on homes for low prices. Hopefully the trend of using renewable energy will continue in the future to improve our lifestyle and environment.
Hoium, T. (2017, November 26). 10 Facts About Solar Energy That Might Surprise You. Retrieved September 30, 2019, from
Matasci, S. (2019, September 10). 2019 Health & Environmental Benefits of Solar: EnergySage. Retrieved September 30, 2019, from
Solar Energy Pros and Cons. (2012, June 29). Retrieved September 30, 2019, from

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