Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Update On Eco-Schools - Platinum Again!!

On June 13th it was revealed to our school that we have been ranked as a Platinum Eco-School for the second year in a row. Last year there were only two schools in the entire district board of which had obtained this ranking.

But what exactly does it mean to be a Platinum Eco-School? The Ontario Eco-Schools uses a medal-ranking-system. Platinum being the highest, then followed by the rankings Gold, Silver, and Bronze. These rankings are each designated to a school depending on how environmentally-friendly the school is. Ontario Eco-Schools will mainly look at what the school has done to contribute to climate change reduction, energy conservation, in addition to their recycling diversion rate (the percentage of recyclable waste that has been taken out of the landfills). However there are many important factors - as every little bit helps to save the environment. Because of this, some other things that contribute a significant role to the rating that the school is given would be the teamwork and leadership involved in environmental activities, waste minimization, school ground greening (which would be anything from gardening, to cleaning up the trash on the grounds, to harvesting maple syrup), and lastly stewardship (which can be found in our many petitions that strive to make the Earth a greener place). For Banting, all of the work to make our school a green school, and deserving of the Platinum eco-school title, can be found in our Banting Green Blog, in addition to at the school itself. Every week the environment-team at Banting works very hard to collect, sort, and rate the recycling and compost. They give feedback to the classrooms and the school as a whole, and are constantly striving for improvement to help reduce our carbon footprint and to lower our pollution as much as we possibly can.

So please take the time to look back at some of our past blog posts to see our achievements and how far we have come as a school to get the Platinum Eco-Schools award!

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