Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Artificial intelligence, particle sensors, nitrogen catalyst, scallops, Methanol fueled beetles

  Artificial Intelligence has learned to estimate oil viscosity

Skoltech scientists from the University of Calgary (Canada) and Caltin University (Australia), developed machine learning algorithms to teach an AI to determine oil viscosity based on nuclear magnetic resonance. This could be potentially very useful in the petroleum industry or sectors of industry that need to characterize substances. These industries include the food industry to test the quality of the fruit or in agriculture to test the quality of soil in large amounts. Standard assessments to find oil viscosity is very expensive and time consuming. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) determines properties based on the electromagnetic energy absorbed and emitted. The AI is trained on NMR data from different sets of data from Canada to the United States to provide accurate predictions of viscosity. Dmitry Koroteev, a professor at the Skoltech Center for Hydrocarbon Recovery, said that this method is more efficient than the old way of doing it. He says that it’s interesting the high accuracy of the models on extra-heavy oil and bitumen samples because of the complex chemical composition. 

Artificial Intelligence has learned to estimate oil viscosity. (2020, November 9). Retrieved November 17, 2020, from https://www.chemeurope.com/en/news/1168562/artificial-intelligence-has-learned-to-estimate-oil-viscosity.html

                 The smallest particle sensor in the world

This small 12 by 9 by 3 millimeter device is an innovative piece of technology that detects air quality of ambient air in real time and puts out an alarm when dust values significantly increase. This tiny piece of technology can be put inside a phone or a watch. The particle sensor was developed by Paul Maierhofer as part of his dissertation at the Institute of Electrical Measurement and Sensor Systems at Graz University of Technology. He had help from experts in semiconductors and researchers from Silicon Austria Labs. The method they used to build this sensor is common but what makes it amazing is the size of this tech.  This new piece of technology is a great innovation to secure the health  of many. Over 400,00 people die a year prematurely in Europe because of particulate matter pollution. This could help people with specific conditions that relate to sense of smell, compromised immune systems to adapt and go to and avoid certain places. This particle sensor could make people more cognizant of their actions that result in such particulate matter pollution.

Technological innovation: The smallest particle sensor in the world. (2020, September 25). Retrieved November 17, 2020, from https://www.chemeurope.com/en/news/1168073/technological-innovation-the-smallest-particle-sensor-in-the-world.html

How nitrogen is transferred by a catalyst

One of the main goals of catalysis is the selective control of the chemical transformation, which is true for reactive complex molecules. Inserting a nitrogen molecule inside a carbon-hydrogen bond has been theoretical and made true through quantum-chemical computer simulation with individual nitrogen atoms bonded to metal. Through experimental and theoretical studies the exploitation of catalytic nitrogen atom transfer reaction has begun. Chemists from Amsterdam, have been able to observe and measure the spectroscopy of metallonitrene and provide quantum-chemical characterizations. A platinum azide was transformed and examined by electrometric and  photo-crystallography. This provided a report on the reactivity of a metallonitrene with a metal-nitrogen bond. Furthermore they observed the structure and oddities of the platinum metallonitrene to see that it allows a nitrogen atom to be inserted into C-H bonds of other molecules. This research contributes to the understanding of chemical bonding and reactivity of complex metals, with synthesis planning. This reaction of insertion by catalyst contributes to the development of green syntheses of nitrogen compounds. 

Goethe University Frankfurt. (2020, November 13). Chemistry: How nitrogen is transferred by a catalyst: Chemists characterize key compound for catalytic nitrogen atom transfer. ScienceDaily. Retrieved November 17, 2020 from www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2020/11/201113105825.htm

Metal pollution in British waters may be threatening scallops

Due to contamination of seabed sediments with zinc, lead and copper, from mining, its causality is the shells of king scallops becoming significantly more brittle. This causes imbalance in the ecosystem by killing species that is responsible for water filtration and other jobs. The authors consider that the accepted metal pollution should be revised. Over a period of 13 years, researchers compared scallops from six areas in the Irish sea around the Isle of Man. Analysis revealed that one area had a significantly more brittle with a mineralization disrupted shell for the molluscs, then the other areas. This causes a high mortality rate for the species. They are not quite sure how the sediments are affecting shell formation but they hypothesize that the metals could be in the shells replacing calcium during a process called biomineralization. They also hypothesize that the metals could be modifying the activity of proteins during the crystallization process. 

University of York. (2020, November 5). Metal pollution in British waters may be threatening scallops, study reveals. ScienceDaily. Retrieved December 1, 2020 from www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2020/11/201105112938.htm

Methanol fuel gives this tiny beetle bot the freedom to roam

The creation of this beetle bot could be the future. Scientists envision insect bots could be used to assist search and rescue missions. This sounds very much like a comic book villain. But who would have thought this could actually be a reality. This beetle is powered by methanol and packs more than 10 times more energy than batteries. To make the robot move, researchers coated a nickel-titanium wire with platinum. Then this wire heats up it contracts and when cooled it extends. The platinum coating allows the methanol vapor to combust. The varying temperatures in the accordion like ‘muscles’ allows motion to occur, by moving forward only. In the future they are hoping they will be able to control the movements of these insect bots so that they could potentially fly and run.

Drahl, C. (2020, August 28). Methanol fuel gives this tiny beetle bot the freedom to roam. Retrieved November 17, 2020, from https://www.sciencenews.org/article/methanol-fuel-beetle-robot

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